How to Build a House: Getting Started


Is it necessary to have a house project during construction and is this purchase worthwhile?
Asking this about people on construction forums or just acquaintances who have already encountered such a problem, the answers will always differ on two opinions: some will say that it is impossible to build without a project, others say that it is not necessary to spend extra money.

country house project

Let’s try to consider this issue from the point of view of the law:
Thus, we can summarize that the project and project documentation for the construction of an individual residential building is not required in the following cases:

When the number of floors of the house does not exceed 3 levels.
When the house is designed for a single family.
This raises another question: «So why do people spend big money on projects, if their availability during construction is not necessarily?». We answer:

Any self-respecting builder with sufficient professionalism and experience is able to build a house without a project, so if you turn to a good construction company, they will easily build you a quality, warm and sound house without unnecessary documents. If you decide to build a house yourself or hired a free team, we do not recommend building a house for you!

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house design

What are the advantages of design documentation?
Accurate calculation of the quantity of materials. The design documentation reflects the specificity of construction materials with the indication of the brand of the goods, the unit of its measurement and quantity. This is convenient because before you start building you will know the preliminary cost of erecting the entire house.
Exact calculation of all constructions. Building and observing the points of a competent project allows you to be confident in the strength and durability of your home. In addition, the exact design calculation is applied personally to your site with an assessment of soil and soil conditions, so two absolutely identical houses, but in different areas can be built absolutely differently.
Savings in construction and operation. This again is due to the fact that the house project is usually selected for each customer individually, taking into account the condition of the soil, the terrain of other indicators. Together with the architect you can choose where in the project you can add, and where to subtract. For example, additional insulation of external fences by competent calculation in the future will lead to savings on heating the house.
And now let’s return to our question and answer it in the light of all the information that we learned about in our article:

A draft design without sections for engineering and communications costs about 150-200 rubles. for 1m2. These projects include only a description of the construction part. Therefore, all electrical and communication systems remain without exact calculations, and this, as we know, is an expensive one, so you can decide whether or not to take the project yourself at your own peril and risk. Now let’s take as a basis the working project, which includes all the sections. The cost of such a project is calculated on an average of 400 rubles. for 1 m2.

As the statistics show, the construction of a house without a project for small country houses (50-80 m2) is subject to a small recalculation and errors. But if you build houses more than 100 m2, which, as a rule, is more complicated in terms of structures and have high requirements for comfort and reliability, you can get out for you with big mistakes and costs. Statistics show that the construction of such houses without project documentation goes beyond the additional budget by 20-30%.

The conclusion is this: you want to build a small holiday home — build without a project and use civilian brigades. If you want to build a large, beautiful, comfortable, reliable house that will become your patrimonial nest and serve your children and grandchildren, we suggest you to pick up and buy a competent project at home and turn to a good construction company.